Any Good Videos on Page Numbering? Topic is solved

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Any Good Videos on Page Numbering?

Post by shade-cabin-hammock »


Often times I'll be using REALLY old books!

And, they'll have your requisite small roman numerals for the introductory pages, followed by a blank page or two and then even a strange unnumbered page until the pages begin with something like...3. :D

I can see there's a GUI logic to seeding all these using the page numbering tool. But, Lo! these many years...I've never been able to get the hang of it.

IF I get it set seems more in spite of my own efforts and then...I'm too worried about falling into a time sink to try to address it again.

If there's any sort of video, or alternate to the standard documentation for how to add page numbereing...that would be a HUGE help to this old antiquarian.



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Re: Any Good Videos on Page Numbering?

Post by Paul - PDF-XChange »


I'm pretty sure that we do not have anything right now that is specific to doing page numbers. I can see the helpfulness of such a thing, be it a document or video, maybe we should put something together.

Do you have a nice example we can use that has those more complex numbering set ups? I'm thinking just the first pages up until the point the real page numbers start?

I'm not promising anything specific but at worst I can do a walk through for that example perhaps.
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Paul O'Rorke
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Re: Any Good Videos on Page Numbering?

Post by shade-cabin-hammock »

Hi Paul,

Ah! That would be MINT! Here's a well-out-of-copyright candidate, published in...1815! :D

Was too huge to attach, so MANY pages of the body of the book (after introduction / Roman-numeral area) deleted.

Thus, seem like we now have -

11~18 = i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii, viii

19 ~ 35 = 1 ~ 17


Original source has ELABORATE pagination. All removed in attachment so as to provide a good example.

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Paul - PDF-XChange
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Re: Any Good Videos on Page Numbering?

Post by Paul - PDF-XChange »

Thanks for that SCH,

I discovered we do have a detailed KB on the subject here: (Thanks for pointing that out to me Dan) and this should give you all the details you need.

You don't need to do the same, but I either user bookmarks or separate notes in a text file when doing this, where I note the page ranges wanted and their styles so I can easily add them to the dialogue. What's nice about the Page Number dialogue is you can add a page range, close the tool, go back to your document and check how it looks, then go back to the tool and add the next range and so on.

In your example the first 10 pages have no numbers, pages 11~16 have lower case Roman numerals, pages 17~18 again have Roman numerals starting again from 1, pages 19~35 have Arabic numerals again starting from 1. Finally page 36 being the back cover has no page number.

This screen grab shows my set up:
I hope this goes some way towards what yo are asking for. I will have a chat to the fellow who does the manuals, he's done some other videos, and I think this would be a good one to add to the list. Lets see what comes from that.

I hope that helps.
Best regards

Paul O'Rorke
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Re: Any Good Videos on Page Numbering?

Post by shade-cabin-hammock »

Hi Paul,

Oh, WOW! <feverishly rubs hands together as if being given a bag of Halloween candy!> This is JUST what I need to do. PERFECT illustration. T H A N K Y O U for the gif, too! Really shows the way. Plus the link. When I see how hard each part of the team works to help us get the most out of PDF-X - it the plowshare of our digital workday - I feel impressed. THANKS, Paul!



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Any Good Videos on Page Numbering?

Post by Daniel - PDF-XChange »

Dan McIntyre - Support Technician
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