OCR stopped working after latest Windows update

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OCR stopped working after latest Windows update

Post by beel »

Hi all
My PDF-XChange Editor Plus 9 OCR function has stopped working since the latest Windows 11 update (I'm assuming this is the cause but not sure). It says there are no languages installed, even though when I check the Add/Update languages button it shows English is installed.
I uninstalled the software, and then reinstalled it again and saw it showing English in the languages, and it worked for the first five pages and then flagged an error (which I cannot recall). Then I cancelled and tried again and then noticed that the language was showing as none installed again.
You'll note the OK button is also greyed out meaning I cannot get it to even start.
See attached screenshot.
Any suggestions?
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Stefan - PDF-XChange
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Re: OCR stopped working after latest Windows update

Post by Stefan - PDF-XChange »

Hello beel,

We have seen this a few times.
Please e-mail us to support@pdf-xchange.com so that we can send you instructions on how to perform a full uninstall, to make sure that all files are removed, and then a reinstall should work fully for you.

Kind regards,
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Daniel - PDF-XChange
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Re: OCR stopped working after latest Windows update

Post by Daniel - PDF-XChange »


Just a quick followup on this issue since we have seen more cases, and determined a passable solution.

It seems to be specific to certain builds of our V9 software, when used in certain windows 10/11 environments. Instead of an incomplete attempt at a comprehensive list, I will provide a generic solution below.

When reinstalling/updating for any of these tasks below, ensure you manually uninstall the software via the windows control panel (DO NOT use third party uninstall/cleaner tools), and restart your PC. Then log into our website, and use the correct installer for your license key, directly from our official website.
  • The simplest solution is to update to the current latest version of the software, instead of using a V9 installation that is 2+ years old. If your maintenance is active, you will find that installer on your account page.
  • If you do wish to remain in V9, or your license cannot cover a V10 installation, you will instead want to try rolling back to older builds which your license can cover. You can find older builds for the Editor Plus here, and for the PRO bundle here (Note, you WILL need to be logged into your purchasing account in order to see old builds your license is compatible with).
Previously, one user has reported that V9 build 366 resolved the issue for them, meanwhile, everyone who has update to the current V10 release has seen the issue disappear.

Kind regards,
Dan McIntyre - Support Technician
PDF-XChange Co. LTD

Our Web site domain and email address has changed as of 26/10/2023.
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