How to "pause" visibility of DlgProgress?  SOLVED

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How to "pause" visibility of DlgProgress?

Post by zarkogajic »

Hi Support,

Is there a way to pause the visibility (hide) the progress dialog or stop it from showing (due to first display time delay) until "cancel visibility pause"?

I'm doing some IOperations, using ProgressMon, and at some moment I need to ask the user something ... so need to somehow hide the progress window until user reaction...

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Re: How to "pause" visibility of DlgProgress?

Post by zarkogajic »

Hi Support,

I have this kind of solved.

I'm, atm, using ShowWindow(DlGProgress.WndHandle, SW_HIDE) to hide the dialog.

Then after my message dialog (modal) was displayed and user reacted, I'm re-showing it using ShowWindow(DlGProgress.WndHandle, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE);

This works if the DlgProgress was already visible before the call to "Hide" (why in p.s.2).

Does not work if I call my Hide before the progress dialog gets display (even if I have WndHandle of it) - the display is delayed due to how you do it (and from different thread). So if that happens after my Hide - it will still get displayed ...

So, if you could maybe add a style like "ProgressStyle_Hidden" - which I could set (and remove) which would deny the dialog from being displayed if that style is set.

I know I might be asking too much :) But, you never know....

I'm grabbing the WndHandle when the dialog is first displayed via IUIX_EventMonitor and when pEvent.Code = e.Visible and pEvent.Param1 = 1. This means I can only get the handle once first displayed - so if delayed - my above Hide/Show idea would not work.

Q: Could I get the WndHandle even before? (It would be better but would not still solve the problem of delayed display)

That's why ProgressStyle_Hidden would do the trick for me (I think).

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Re: How to "pause" visibility of DlgProgress?

Post by zarkogajic »

Hi Support,

The first event that gets fired in EventMonitor for Target.ID = "DlgProgress" has a value of "799" for Event.Code.

I cannot figure out what UIX Event Code is that (or Windows message or anything like that).

When 799 fires, WndTarget is set - so I guess this is the moment when you create that dialog.

Since I do not want to work with fixed numbers ... what message or code would that be ?

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Re: How to "pause" visibility of DlgProgress?

Post by Vasyl - PDF-XChange »

Our custom UI-event codes start from this value:

UIX_EventCodes.e_First = (0x400 + 5432)

- all codes less than this value are codes of standard windows messages. So, when your 799 is a decimal number, not in the hex form - it corresponds to WM_DWMNCRENDERINGCHANGED=0x031F, according to the WinUser.h.
Does not work if I call my Hide before the progress dialog gets display (even if I have WndHandle of it) - the display is delayed due to how you do it (and from different thread). So if that happens after my Hide - it will still get displayed ...
For this case, I think it is better to try to handle the WM_SHOWWINDOW (0x0018) message...
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Re: How to "pause" visibility of DlgProgress?

Post by zarkogajic »

Hi Vasyl,

Thanks, yes, I've figured out this is WM_DWMNCRENDERINGCHANGED - but that's not usable for me as "the moment of creation".

The WM_SHOWWINDOW I can already catch via IUIX_Event.Code = e.Visible (and Param1 = 1 for "show"). (The WM_SHOWWINDOW happens after e.Visible).

When e_Visible happens - I would like to "cancel the event" - I've tried setting pEvent.Result - but no changes - the dialog get displayed. Q: Can this be done?

All the above would not be needed if : any chance you could add a style like "ProgressStyle_Hidden" ?

Also, I know you create that dialog during Inst.Init. I cannot RegisterEventMonitor before that so to catch e.First (to grab the WndHandle).

Just to be sure: WndHandle - once DlgProgress is created and it gets WndHandle - could/would it be recreated at any time during the lifecycle of Instance?

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Re: How to "pause" visibility of DlgProgress?

Post by Vasyl - PDF-XChange »

Hi Zarko.

Theoretically, the possible way is:

Code: Select all

int id_DlgProgress = Inst.Str2ID("DlgProgress");
bool bNeedHideProgressDlg = false;


OnEventMonitor(IUIX_Obj target, IUIX_Event* event)
	if (bNeedHideProgressDlg)
		if (event.Code == e_Visible)
			if ((target.ID == id_DlgProgress) && (target.Param1 != 0)) // before appearing progress dlg
				target.Show(SW_HIDE, true);
Just to be sure: WndHandle - once DlgProgress is created and it gets WndHandle - could/would it be recreated at any time during the lifecycle of Instance?
It can be recreated if you use Inst.Init(), then Inst.Shutdown() and then Inst.Init() again, and so on. But between Init() and corresponding Shutdown() - it is always the same.

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Re: How to "pause" visibility of DlgProgress?  SOLVED

Post by zarkogajic »

Hi Vasyl,

OK, I can work with that, thanks.

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