SaveAs *.txt

PDF-XChange Editor SDK for Developers

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SaveAs *.txt

Post by LuP »


I would need to write "something" - I guess a combination of a plugin and ?? - which - called from command line - would do this:

1. Open a file, e.g. MyFile.pdf, with PDFXEdit.exe, like: PDFXEdit.exe /open MyFile.pdf
2. Save (or export) the file to .txt, like: PDFXEdit.exe /callPlugin MyPluginConvertPdfToTxt /par1 MyFile.pdf /par2 MyFile.txt
or: PDFXEdit.exe /open MyFile.pdf /saveas MyFile.txt
3. Close the .pdf, like: PDFXEdit.exe /close MyFile.pdf

I have tens of PDFs I need to convert to TXT, so ability to run from command line and/or using a plugin is fatal for me.

Is there a way to perform this?

Best regards,

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Daniel - PDF-XChange
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Re: SaveAs *.txt

Post by Daniel - PDF-XChange »

Hello, LuP

That would not be a plugin or any others, but simply a different application. Our PDF-Tools batch processing suite is able to offer batch conversion of PDF to txt directly as an end user product. If you are simply needing to do this on a personal level, I would recommend that you look at that option before considering trying to create your own applications.
PDF-Tools also offers command line capabilities, including the option to specify the input file and tool to run, as you desire: ... ons_t.html

If you need this in an SDK/Development capacity, Our Core API SDK may be able to offer a similar functionality, however from what the Dev team tells me it would be akin to pulling a stream of the base content text in the file, and you would then need to parse that into a text file.
If you are looking to purchase an SDK product, these are sold on a case-by-case basis, and you will need to reach out to our Sales team <>, explaining the intent of your application, the features it offers, and the reason for bringing in our products. If your request is approved, you will then be able to make the purchase.

Kind regards,
Dan McIntyre - Support Technician
PDF-XChange Co. LTD

Our Web site domain and email address has changed as of 26/10/2023.
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