NoProgress in CreateOpenDocParams for OpenDocFrom  SOLVED

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NoProgress in CreateOpenDocParams for OpenDocFrom

Post by zarkogajic »

Hi Support,

Seem that even if "NoProgress" is set for CreateOpenDocParams - OpenDocFrom will still "Stop" (/hide) the running DefaultProgressMon.

Here's what I have:

Opening (and doing something to) multiple documents (not main thread), using DefaultProgressMon to display running progress.

For each document I do a safe callback to open that document in pxv_Control. (all works as expected)

But, calling OpenDocFrom() even with NoProgress -> the DefaultProgressMon gets hidden.

I can "fix" this by calling Start (again and again, except for the last one) .. and the end result is ok.

But, I guess, this should not be working like that.

NoProgress should ignore the DefaultProgressMon's progress dialog completely, correct?


Posts: 1430
Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2019 12:35 pm

Re: NoProgress in CreateOpenDocParams for OpenDocFrom  SOLVED

Post by zarkogajic »

Hi Support,

Seems like fixed in 394 version, thanks.

(even if NoProgress = false)

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