
Resource for the support of products published by Tracker Software Products limited - as detailed below.
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Moderators: Daniel - PDF-XChange, PDF-XChange Support, Vasyl - PDF-XChange, Chris - PDF-XChange, Sean - Tracker, Ivan - Tracker Software, Stefan - PDF-XChange

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Paul - PDF-XChange
Site Admin
Posts: 7322
Joined: Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:37 pm


Post by Paul - PDF-XChange »

We regret that due to an increase in malicious and/or offensive content, often by 'advanced and automated "BOTS", we have elected to remove the ability for users to use/embed hyperlinks on our forums.

Instead, any issues which cannot be immediately solved via text and images alone should be directed via email to support@pdf-xchange.com or sales@pdf-xchange.com

Whilst we appreciate this may represent a minor annoyance/inconvenience for some users, we trust that all our users will understand this is necessary to safeguard all that use our forums from inadvertently being exposed to malicious content and websites.

Thank you as always for your understanding in this matter.
Best regards

Paul O'Rorke
PDF-XChange Support