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URLs present in About tab of PDF-Xchange Standard/Lite Printing Preferences dialog, etc., are still in the old domain

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2024 10:08 pm
by rakunavi
=== UPDATE ===================================================================
The issue reported below has been resolved in Ver 10.4.4 build 392.
I appreciate all the hard work and efforts of the support and development team.

Hello Tracker support,

As usual, I am sorry to point out a minor detail, but I noticed that the URLs included in the following dialogs still point to the old domain and version. Of course, they are redirected, so they are of little importance, but just FYI.


End User Forums

PDF-XChange Printer Standard

PDF-XChange Printer Lite

Office2PDF ... 012_s.html

The PDF-XChange Updater

Best regards,

- PDF-XChange Editor PRO Version: 10.4.3 build 391
- OS Version: Windows 11 Home 23H2 Build 22631.4317
- PC Model: Lenovo IdeaPad C340-15IWL, HP All-in-One 22-c0xx

Re: URLs present in About tab of PDF-Xchange Standard/Lite Printing Preferences dialog, etc., are still in the old domai  SOLVED

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2024 10:05 pm
by Daniel - PDF-XChange
Hello, rakunavi

Thank you for this, we do have redirects in place but it is indeed something that should be updated. I am not sure that all the visible text will be changed, as both PDF-XChange and Tracker Software are still in use in various contexts, and we need to maintain that to some degree, but the links at least should definitely reflect the website change.

I have passed this up to the Dev team

Kind regards,