Vertical Japanese is not printed correctly.  SOLVED

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Vertical Japanese is not printed correctly.

Post by sanmarie »


Printing a vertical Japanese document, the text is rotated.

My setting is like below;

Only GDI correctly recognizes Japanese characters, but they rotated 90 degrees.
XPI completely crushes text.

How can I fix it ?
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Re: Vertical Japanese is not printed correctly.

Post by Dimitar - PDF-XChange »


Welcome to our forum.

It looks like something happened to the images you tried to upload to this thread.

Can I ask you to upload them again so we can see what the problem is?

Also, please tell us what version your PDF editor is.

You can see this information in the PDF editor's Help -> About menu.

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Re: Vertical Japanese is not printed correctly.

Post by sanmarie »


PDF-XChange Pro ver.

left: text editor / right : PDF print by GDI
PDF print by XPS
My setting
I tried Portrait / Landscape, Mirror by X axis / Y axis, any setting didn't work.

I have faced this problem for several years. After major updates, I forgot when, characters no longer appeared correctly. I asked to help to customer support, but I didn't receive an effectual answer.

Now I'm using a PDF Printer for Japanese language support, however, quality is much better in PDF x-change. That's why I ask again. :)
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Re: Vertical Japanese is not printed correctly.

Post by Stefan - PDF-XChange »

Hello sanmarie,

I see that you have your text in a .txt file and in a text editor which I can not recognize. Is that the built into windows Notepad or a different software? Maybe the issue is in the communication between that tool and our driver?

As we do not have any native Japanese speakers in our team - can you please share with us a copy of the .txt file with the vertical text so that we can then run some tests with it here on our end?

Kind regards,
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Re: Vertical Japanese is not printed correctly.

Post by sanmarie »

Thank you for replying.

Files are here ( txt, docx, pdf )!ApozfL4UP-Lnift5nPvGNeuxewB8hw?e=ZANsGH

MS Word prints correctly.
Text Editor with vertical writing mode rotates characters.

If you don't have text editor for vertical writing, please try to use Mery. This is free software.
1) Download folder, and execute Mery.exe


MS Word with vertical wiring mode is only available in the licensed version.
Word Online doesn't display vertical.
Please download the file and open on PC.

I apologize for the complicated problem.

I remember since you changed the UI to the ribbon style from windows 7 style, the vertical text no longer print correctly.
Basically Windows has a rendering problem for Japanese language scince Win8. It's hard to solve in anything.
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Re: Vertical Japanese is not printed correctly.  SOLVED

Post by Stefan - PDF-XChange »

Hello sanmarie,

I managed to download your text editing tool, and could reproduce the incorrect output when using our printer, and got a proper file when e.g. using the MS Print to PDF feature, so passing this on to our devs for further investigation!

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Re: Vertical Japanese is not printed correctly.

Post by SABANO »

I too faced a problem with vertical documents not displaying well when converting WORD files to PDF-XChange.
I hope this will be addressed in an update.
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Re: Vertical Japanese is not printed correctly.

Post by Stefan - PDF-XChange »


Can you please confirm that you are currently using the latest builds of our products?
And can you please provide us with a sample .docx file and the resulting PDF that you receive?
If the fonts used in the Word document are non standard ones - can you please also include the font files?

You can attach PDF files directly, but any other file formats need to be added to a .zip archive first.

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Re: Vertical Japanese is not printed correctly.

Post by rakunavi »

Hello all,

I am not sure if the problem here is necessarily the same as SABANO's, but here is a sample document. In conclusion, the problem depends on whether the driver mode is GDI or XPS, and which Japanese font is used. As indicated in the following verification, the combination of certain fonts (e.g. MS Mincho) in combination with the XPS driver mode can sometimes be displayed correctly (see page 2 of attachment "checklist - MsMincho.pdf"). However, on the whole, it is rare that they are displayed correctly.

In the following verification, I pasted the Japanese sample text (sample.txt) into the latest version of Microsoft Word, changed the font to each of MS Mincho (MS 明朝) and Yu Mincho (游明朝), and output PDF files using the following five methods.

  • PDF-XChange Printer Standard - Driver mode : GDI (default)
  • PDF-XChange Printer Standard - Driver mode : XPS
  • Microsoft Word Export menu
  • Microsoft Print to PDF
  • Adobe PDF (Acrobat X)
These fonts are included as default in the Japanese version of Windows 10/11, but even if you are using a non-Japanese version of Windows, they will be installed by adding the Japanese language pack.

  • Japanese Supplemental Fonts -
    • BIZ UDGothic
    • BIZ UDMincho Medium
    • Meiryo
    • MS Mincho
    • UD Digi Kyokasho
    • Yu Mincho
Please see the following PDF files summarizing the output results for each font, with the problem areas highlighted with yellow markers, respectively, in the root directory of the attached files.

  • checklist - MsMincho.pdf
  • checklist - YuMincho.pdf
Note that the base contents of the checklist have been rasterized to avoid differences in display depending on the file viewing environment. The original output files are saved in a subfolder of each font name. I performed this verification after creating a new Windows account, so not only the PDF-XChange Printer Standard settings, but also Microsoft Word, Acrobat PDF, and all other settings are default settings.

As a representative example, please refer to the following two output results when the font is set to MS Mincho, which can be compared with a GIF animation.

  • PDF-XChange Printer Standard - Driver mode: GDI
  • Microsoft Word Export menu
  • Characters marked in yellow are not displayed correctly.<br />(This is a GIF animation. Click to play.)
    Characters marked in yellow are not displayed correctly.
    (This is a GIF animation. Click to play.)
Note that I have also reported a problem with vertical writing in the following topic.

  • PowerPoint files containing Japanese vertical writing are not converted to PDF correctly.
Hoping that the above information will be of some help to you.
Thank you so much for your continued support.

Best regards,

- PDF-XChange Editor PRO Version: 10.4.4 build 392
- OS Version: Windows 11 Home 23H2 Build 22631.4460
- PC Model: Lenovo IdeaPad C340-15IWL, HP All-in-One 22-c0xx
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Re: Vertical Japanese is not printed correctly.

Post by Daniel - PDF-XChange »

Hello, rakunavi

Thank you for the detailed breakdown, I do hope this is similar to what was being reported here, but nonetheless it does appear to be an issue which needs some fixing!
I have sent it to our Dev team for review, and hope we can see some improvements in time.

Kind regards,
Dan McIntyre - Support Technician
PDF-XChange Co. LTD

Our Web site domain and email address has changed as of 26/10/2023.
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